Thursday 8 March 2018

iPhone X Issues Logged So Far

Apple’s iPhone X might be the most expensive smartphone on the planet, but it’s not immune from problems…
Apple’s iPhone X costs A LOT of money. You’ll need at least $1000/£1000 to get yourself one – and don’t expect prices to change much in 2018 when the iPhone XI lands. Nope. Thousand dollar iPhones are here to stay, for better or worse.

You’d be forgiven for thinking that a phone this expensive should work perfectly. But as is often the case with technology, things don’t always pan out as you’d expect. And Apple’s iPhone X is no exception. So before you drop a big ‘ol pile of money on this phone, you might want to take a look at some of the documented issues that affect it.

Please note: not all of these issues (or even most of them) affect the majority of iPhone X handsets in circulation. Apple is great at fixing software issues with updates and has even been known to take care of hardware issues without too much fuss as well. All this article is designed to do is detail some of the reported issues surrounding Apple’s iPhone X.

A lot of reviews for a handset will glaze over problems, as most don’t turn up until after a few months of usage. Most reviewers play with a phone for a week and then write a review based on that, which is fine. But it does mean things get missed (it’s why we ALWAYS update our reviews).

iPhone X Problems – Things To Watch Out For

iPhone X Problems – Hair Pulling

Multiple people have been complaining online – Reddit, for instance – that Apple’s iPhone X likes to pull hair a bit too much. According to the myriad of reports, the iPhone X has a habit of trapping hair (facial and head-stuff) in between its bezels, and this can cause some painful issues when ending a call.

iPhone X Problems – The Display Can Become Unresponsive

The iPhone X is ALL ABOUT that OLED panel. But the tech is new for Apple, and there is definitely a learning curve. Multiple users have noted that the display will often become unresponsive to touch, usually when there is a call coming in, and the only way to fix it is to perform a reboot.
Apple’s looking into this issue right now, so expect a fix in the very near future.

iPhone X Problems – Incoming Call Delays

You get a call, you want to answer it. That’s what happens normally. But with the iPhone X, users are reporting delays in the call registering on the display. The iPhone X rings, but nothing is displayed on the screen for 5-10 seconds. Odd. And annoying.

iPhone X Problems – FACE ID Hackability

Apple says FACE ID is super secure. No one can hack it, but you and your beautiful face. However, multiple users (and YouTube people) have proved this is not exactly the case. This goes double if you have a twin or an evil doppelgänger.

Apple has also warned parents not to let their young children use their iPhone X handsets. Why? Because the kid’s face is still developing and could be confused for its parent’s by FACE ID. Hence why I prefer the ol’ fingerprint method.

iPhone X Problems – Battery Life

This one was noted by KYM’s Mike, AKA the only iPhone X user on our team. According to Mike, the iPhone X battery life is OK, but nothing special. He was apparently expecting more in this regard from Apple’s. Furthermore, after using a Pixel 2 XL for a week, Mike was blown away by the difference. The Pixel 2 XL lasts FOREVER were his exact words, I believe.

iPhone X Problems – Buzzing Speaker

Bus w**nkers aside, listening to stuff through your phone’s speakers is often necessary (unless you’re on a bus or public transport), and to do this properly you need decent speakers. The iPhone X has two front-facing stereo speakers. And they tend to get the job done.

But there have been plenty of issues about buzzing from the speakers at certain volume settings, as well as distortion whenever volume exceeds 50%. Apple’s iPhone 8 had a similar issue which was fixed with a software update, so let’s hope Apple can do the same thing for the iPhone X.

iPhone X Problems – Green Line of DEATH!

Some iPhone X users have reported a weird green line appearing on their display. Apple hasn’t officially acknowledged this one just yet, but it’s likely an issue with the OLED panel itself – they can be pretty finicky in this regard on account of their composition.

iPhone X Problems – Some iPhone X Units Are Faster Than Others

Apple uses two suppliers for its modems: Qualcomm and Intel. And word on the street (and reports too) have shown that the Intel modems are faster, which means the Intel iPhone X units feel faster when you’re using them.

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